Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Rain has its benefits!

Oops I'm a bit late with my weekly blogging.

The past couple of weeks have been great for Corbin at school on a social level because its been rather wet here in Invercargill which means inside play at morning tea and lunch time for everyone. This is great for Corbin because he is actually on a par with his classmates in the classroom, ie he can interact with them because there is no running around as 6 year olds do outside, and they sit and play games and build friendships. And he doesnt have to cope with kids fighting over who is going to push him in his wheelchair next. And more importantly because he isn't as exhausted he had his first full week at school ever last week!!! Yeah!!!

So as the title says - rain does have its advantages, for Corbin anyway.

This week its frosts, very heavy and very cold frosts. I like frosts because you at least get some sunshine later in the day but I am yet to find the silver lining for Corbin. We are back to outside play at school which means, unlike other children, because Corbin is not active he gets extremely cold and has inevitably developed yet another cold. He has come home soaking wet and filthy 2 days in a row from doing "fitness" outside on the wet ground and from water and mud off his wheels. Hold on - I know - the silver lining must be at least there is sun to get all the extra washing dry!!!!!!!!!!!

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